all samsung phones s9 and mi note
The famous Chinese / Chinese brand Xiaomi, established since 2010, with the MI (Mobile Internet) logo. The popularity of xiaomi is increasin...
all samsung phones s9 and mi note
Samsung S9, like its predecessor is available in 2 variants namely samasung S9 and S9 Plus. This will discuss about the new Samsung Galaxy S...
Meltdown and Specter Slows PC, and Phone, Processor
The Way of Good Business "Principles of Online Selling" dengan belanja hemat dan promo Central Processing Unit CPU is a compu...
Meltdown and Specter Slows PC, and Phone, Processor
Patch windows for Meltdown and Specter can slow down the PC. On a PC running windows 10, it may not feel the slowdown. But for PCs with old ...